Monday, June 9, 2014

Why Airing? Because We Matter

At least we want to believe we matter. We want to let others know we matter through a multitude of media including the 21st century phenomena of "Selfies, " using social media like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter to share our lives with others, even if it is virtual: a wonderful meal we ate, a new hairdo, new car, an activity we attended, our important events like weddings, births, vacations and accomplishments. We AIR  our lives!

Airing matters.  Airing might be communicating with someone or writing, a physical activity, creating art,  photography, poems, etc. Humans have an instinctual desire to air their lives, our experiences, to record that we were here.
We want to share the breathtaking shots of our planet like this one I captured after walking out my front door; a San Diego winter flaming sunset, December 13, 2013.

Most of us have a vocation that sustains our lives but many of us have an avocation like oil painting, dancing or singing, to improve our existence, to matter, to document, to share our lives with others. This is one of the reasons we do all the amazing things we do like sports, art, travel, write and dance because we want to believe that WE MATTERED. That somehow the sliver of time that we were on the planet, somehow we made a difference, even in the smallest way.

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