Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pines And Palms On Pink Suspends Sadness

It is one year since the death of my mother and father, who died six weeks apart last summer. Still, I find it difficult to escape the sadness. It is sunset, I walk out the front door. I watch as the sun approaches the horizon spilling ribbons of pink across an azure sky. I see the blue darken; blue black  ink. The pines and palms  jut out into the blue pink canvas reminding me where I am; where the desert meets the ocean, San Diego. 

The beauty of pink on blue sky pierced by pines and palms suspends sadness. 

A cool breeze sentinels night is approaching as blue turns slate-gray then charcoal and finally black. I walk home, open the front door where sadness slowly seeps in.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Waves, Water & Passion

Do you experience sudden thoughts that burst into your mind uninvited that seem to speak to you like a voice inside your head; during moments when you are quietly tuning into the silence that surrounds you or maybe upon waking from a deep sleep, while daydreaming during a break in your daily routine, watching waves crash on the sand at the beach or during night walks through urban centers.

I was inspired by this YouTube video about Clark Little who created a fantastic business after just going for his passion of taking pictures of the beautiful waves in Hawaii.


Our subconscious mind, a spiritual guide or muse or a maybe a divine presence, no one has the definitive answer but some of us experience a strong sudden suggestion from somewhere inside our minds like being overcome by a wave that moves us toward acting on it. It  might be called an epiphany or inner voice by some people, in any case, I heed the guidance whether it comes as a gentle nudge or a forceful voice. 
I discovered the importance of listening to this voice many  years ago when it guided me to follow my passion for dance. I followed this path for over three decades. Dance immersion included working as a dance teacher, performing, choreographing dance, working for eighteen years as an independent dance instruction professional, owning and operating Pattie Wells' Dancetime Center for 16+ years, serving as adjunct faculty as a dance educator at San Diego State University, Grossmont College and Southwestern college, mentoring young dance teachers, video-taping dance performances, writing the Dance Talk blog and dance articles for www.dancetime.com.

Recently, I once again followed the voice to change profession, taking a leap of faith to explore and work on my writing. Currently, I am putting the finishing touches on my poetry manuscript, FIRE IN RAIN to send out to contests for publication, working on the second half of my novel, content writing for my website and working on my new blog Airing Matter: Life, Love & Art.

A few days ago, I stumbled (no accident) on this interesting article "10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently" www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/10-things-highly-intuitive-people-do-differently/. 

Remember to "Silently listen to the voice that speaks your passion."

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Give Thanks By Remembering

the hungry when we have food,
the jobless when we work,
the homeless when we have a home,
the suffering when we have health.

Let us give thanks by remembering
to diminish our complacency,
increase our compassion and concern,
help with word AND deed
others who cry out, lacking
what we take for granted.


(Hommage to Samuel F. Pugh's "A Thanksgiving Prayer")

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why Airing? Because We Matter

At least we want to believe we matter. We want to let others know we matter through a multitude of media including the 21st century phenomena of "Selfies, " using social media like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter to share our lives with others, even if it is virtual: a wonderful meal we ate, a new hairdo, new car, an activity we attended, our important events like weddings, births, vacations and accomplishments. We AIR  our lives!

Airing matters.  Airing might be communicating with someone or writing, a physical activity, creating art,  photography, poems, etc. Humans have an instinctual desire to air their lives, our experiences, to record that we were here.
We want to share the breathtaking shots of our planet like this one I captured after walking out my front door; a San Diego winter flaming sunset, December 13, 2013.

Most of us have a vocation that sustains our lives but many of us have an avocation like oil painting, dancing or singing, to improve our existence, to matter, to document, to share our lives with others. This is one of the reasons we do all the amazing things we do like sports, art, travel, write and dance because we want to believe that WE MATTERED. That somehow the sliver of time that we were on the planet, somehow we made a difference, even in the smallest way.